Removable Safety Rail System
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A modular handrail system for guiding pedestrian traffic or zoning off work areas, panels can be quickly released from the ground shoes if necessary. Three different rail sizes can be mixed and matched with ether single or double ground shoes to form stand alone or continuous barriers.
Removable Safety Rail System
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Description: Modular hand rail system Operation: Rails plug into floor mounted sockets Construction: Powder coated steel rails with cast steel floor sockets Hand rail height: 1050mm Knee rail height: 530mm Panel lengths: 1220, 1525 or 1830mm Panel weights: 12.7, 15 or 17.2kgs Tube diameter: 42mm Single socket: H102 x W127 x L127mm (3.1kgs) Double socket: H102 x W127 x L190mm (5.4kgs) Finish: Safety yellow powder coat -
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