By Barrier Group on Thursday, 15 August 2024
Category: News

Tradies National Health Month - Why is the health of our tradies important?

In Australia, trades workers (tradies) make up a significant portion of the working population in industries like construction, manufacturing, and maintenance. In fact, according to Ciecdata, Australian employment data suggests that tradies and technicians make up nearly 8% of Australia's workforce (1,996.141 person th, in May 2024).


Despite the growing number of men and women becoming tradies in today's workforce, these individuals face a higher risk of serious workplace injuries.

These injuries can lead to both short and long-term effects that can lead to decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, and in many cases, early retirement, which ultimately reduces their quality of life.

In this article, we will delve into why tradie health is important and how initiatives like Tradies National Health Month, held every August, is helping to raise awareness about the physical and mental health challenges faced by tradies across Australia.

    Let's begin with the fundamentals. What is tradie health, and why is it important?

    What is Tradie Health?

    Tradie health refers to the wellbeing of tradespeople, also known as 'tradies' in Australia. They work in industries that require manual labor in industries like construction, plumbing, electrical work, maintenance, and more. This term includes taking care of tradies' health issues in industries, whether it's to do with physical or mental health. It involves preventing, managing, and treating these challenges.

    Any tradies, doing small local jobs to those in manufacturing for large companies, may encounter potential health risks while on the job. For tradies, over 90% report experiencing work-related injuries and pain each year, commonly to do with back, knee and shoulder injuries.

    Why is the health of tradies important?

     The health of our tradies in Australia is vital because tradies face risks of serious workplace injuries compared to many other industries.

    Raising awareness about tradie health highlights their importance to the Australian economy. It also shows how we can enhance their quality of life and help them earn a livelihood.

    In addition to high injury rates, raising awareness of tradie health is also important when dealing with the challenges of:

    Throughout August, Tradies National Health Month is an initiative established by the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) to highlight the health and wellbeing of Australian tradies in a multitude of trade industries and occupations.

    For tradies, employers and big corporations, it's crucial to spotlight the risks and dangers that are present in trades work. By raising awareness of tradie health, initiatives like Tradie National Health Month aims to change behaviors and boost support for the psychical and mental health and wellbeing of the tradies that do such important work for the Australian economy.

    Changing attitudes around tradie health

    Many existing attitudes around tradie health revolve around being tough and resilient amongst their peers. This 'tough it out' culture is a dangerous mindset that at times still exists in many Australian work environments has harmful effects particularly in an industry where the physical and mental demands are high.

    Encouraging open conversations about the importance of health, offering accessible resources, and normalizing the act of seeking help can empower tradies to take better care of themselves. By challenging the notion that toughness means enduring pain in silence, we can help create a healthier, more sustainable workforce where tradies feel supported in maintaining their well-being.

    In support of Tradies National Health Month this August, we have put together a list of resources that offer support to help raise awareness of tradie health:

    Choose Physio (For Tradies health)

    Choose Physio is a great resource that can give tradies important information about managing injuries.

    (Your body | Choose physio)

    Hazardous Manual Handling - WorkSafe Victoria

    Manual handing us one of the leading causes of injury for Tradies in Australian workplaces. This resource offers training and toolkits to improve tradie safety.

    (How to lift training does not reduce risk | WorkSafe Victoria)

    Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) - Tradie National Health Month YouTube Series

    The Australian Physiotherapy Association offers a series of short educational YouTube videos that help raise awareness and address common persistent issues that impact a tradies' quality of life.

    (Bodies change as you age, so should the way you work. (

    By raising awareness and actively promoting the health and well-being of our tradies, we not only enhance their quality of life but also ensure a safer and more sustainable workforce. Tradie National Health Month is a reminder that prioritizing the physical and mental health of our tradespeople is not just important - it's essential for the continued success and growth of trade industries.

    At Barrier Group, we are committed to supporting our tradies by fostering a culture of safety, providing access to necessary health resources, and encouraging open conversations about well-being. Together, we can create a healthier, more resilient workforce that continues to thrive.