Do I need a Threshold Ramp or an Access Ramp?


Access ramps and threshold ramps are designed to help people with mobility challenges access buildings safely and easily. But what's the difference between the two? And how do you decide which kind of ramp you need? In this guide, we'll answer these questions and more, so that you can choose the best ramp to match your specific needs.

The main differences between Threshold Ramps and Access Ramps  

If you use a wheelchair or any other mobility aid, then you know how important it is to have smooth, level access in and out of your home. That's where threshold ramps and access ramps come in. Both types of ramps can provide wheelchair assistance and doorway access, but there are some key differences between them.

A threshold ramp will typically be shorter than an access ramp and its slope will be slightly steeper - this makes it easier for people with mobility aids like wheelchairs to get up the ramp. The slope on an access ramp is much less steep, which makes it easier for someone who doesn't use a mobility aid (like a walker) to go up the ramp. You may want to choose an access ramp if the height difference between ground level and the door frame is greater than 2-3 inches / 5-8cms. 

Where do I put a ramp?

Doorway threshold ramps can be placed at the base of any door that is being used for wheelchair assistance. These ramps provide access for wheelchairs, walkers, and canes to enter and exit a home. The doorway access ramp should be placed on level ground and should have a non-slip surface. It should not require people using mobility aids to go up more than one step. If there is more than one step it may be better to use an outside entry ramp or indoor doorway access ramp.

What materials should be used to build my ramp?

There are many factors to consider when deciding what type of material to use for your ramp. Some factors include weather conditions, amount of traffic, how the ramp will be used (for wheelchair assistance or not), and aesthetics.

Always check with your building codes before permanently installing either type of ramp in a public area. Local city council regulations may require different standards depending on the building material used for construction. 

How steep should my ramp be?

The general rule of thumb is that for every inch of rise, you'll need one foot of ramp. So, if your threshold is two inches off the ground, you'll need a two-foot-long ramp. Of course, there are other factors to consider when deciding on the steepness of your ramp. The first is the type of mobility aid you're using. If you're in a wheelchair, you'll need a shallower ramp than someone who is using a walker or cane. Second, consider how often you'll be using the ramp. If it's just for occasional use, a steeper ramp might be okay. But if you're using it every day, you might want to err on the side of caution and go with a shallower slope.

Am I allowed to build my own wheelchair ramp/threshold ramp without approval from the local authority?

There are different types of wheelchair ramps and threshold ramps, and the one you choose will depend on your needs. You may be able to build your own ramp without approval from the local authority, but it's always best to check first. There are many criteria that will determine whether this is allowed, such as: - Is the property residential or commercial? - What surface does the ramp lead onto (pavement/grass)? – What is the slope from top height to ground level? Is the surface of the ramp should be firm, stable, and slip-resistant?

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