Melbourne Bollard Installations Soaring in 2018

So far in 2018, we've seen sales increase across our entire Bollard ranges and subsequently a rise in our installation services across Melbourne and surrounding suburbs. We've been able to conduct site assessments to recommend, supply and install an off-the-shelf or customised bollard solution - all from our Geelong-based location. No job is too sm...
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  6174 Hits

Driver Pedal-Error Causes Near Miss in Melbourne Restaurant Crash

Accidental store front crashes are commonly caused by driver pedal-error whereby the accelerator is pressed instead of the brake. This is the reason behind the most recent case reported at the Utsav Indian Restaurant  on Heathmont shopping strip in the Eastern suburbs of Melbourne. There could have been fatal consequences had it occurred durin...
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  4149 Hits

Barrier Group removable bollard stops ram-raid

What might have happened: ​ Thieves crash their stolen 4WD Hilux right through the bollard, penetrating the shop front and make off with a showroom full of dirt bikes. What actually happened: ​ The Hilux couldn't get past the bollard and became impaled on it. The Hilux was stuck, so the thieves panicked and ran off, leaving the shop intact and the ...
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  6963 Hits

Why Removable Bollards Eliminate the Risk of Ram-Raids to Your Business

β€œAny business that has a rear roller loading door or street accessible plate glass shop fronts should install these types of security bollards to help deter this type of crime rampaging the city and avoid the headache of cleaning up and restocking after being robbed.”

- Rick Hall, Managing Director Barrier Group

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  7629 Hits