Barrier Group provide temporary and portable barriers for managing pedestrian queues at airports, cinemas and galleries or for cordoning off work sites and restricted areas.
We have successfully mastered this magicians trick of empowering our products with disappearing capabilities.
This powerful semi-permanent function gives you the flexibility of denying or permitting entry to areas with changeable access requirements.
"When it comes to safety let us never leave a team member behind for it is the responsibility of all that everyone goes home safe to their families."
Everyone in the workplace has an obligation to follow safety procedures.
A split-second decision to disregard the systems in place could not only put their life at risk, but those of their colleagues.
Barrier Group moved from Weddell Road to a new two and a half acre site in Separation Street, North Geelong 16 months ago.
At Barrier Group we take problem solving seriously - when others might be wiping their hands of your problems, we are just rolling up our sleeves.