At Barrier Group we take problem solving seriously - when others might be wiping their hands of your problems, we are just rolling up our sleeves.
At Barrier Group we take problem solving seriously - when others might be wiping their hands of your problems, we are just rolling up our sleeves.
“Any business that has a rear roller loading door or street accessible plate glass shop fronts should install these types of security bollards to help deter this type of crime rampaging the city and avoid the headache of cleaning up and restocking after being robbed.”
- Rick Hall, Managing Director Barrier Group
Take a closer look at the comparison of materials when they are constructed into two of Barrier Group's popular speed humps.
When it comes to choosing a speed hump we understand that construction, performance rating and traffic suitability (and also, price) are key influences in your decision.
Here at Barrier Group we strive to be the very best at what we do.
We work together across all development phases to create a strong and durable design from a brand you can trust.
Did you know most airports have a potential weapon within reach of angry customers hands that could kill? They have in the past.
Sounds absurd, doesn't it?
High security airports allowing this potential hazard to exist - no way! I'm not even kidding you when I say that nightclubs also have this threat.